As I faced Brian in my white wedding dress, my eye I've always been a bit of a hopeless romantic, an I remember attending a women of joy conference whe When my daughter Kate was in preschool, she gave m I left the party with a sick feeling in the pit of The simplest, most basic definition of prayer is c Prayer is about much more than just asking God to I surveyed the lamplit room of middle and high sch Will was playing quarterback and he threw an incom As the clock struck noon, I started to second-gues I still remember where I was sitting on the couch “Do you need help?” an elderly gentleman asked There was a college-aged girl whose voice I loved I had never attended a writer's conference before. You're going to need a full hysterectomy. My docto Nearly three decades later, I can still remember t What is love? A group of adults posed this questio What’s REALLY required to be a #prayingmom? It i It was one of those, “terrible, horrible, no goo Our oldest son ran ahead of us on the pine needle Load More... Follow on Instagram