Prayers of Love Day 5 Father, You are merciful. P Prayers of Love Day 4 Father, thank You for liste Prayers of Love Day 3 Father, You are my friend. Prayers of Love Day 2 Father, You are the origin Prayers of Love Day 1 Father, thank You for Your's Christmas. For God so loved the wo Love Talks #6! How can we use Christmas tradition What does it look like to use our Christmas tradit Some days we need a friend to look us in the eyes When I was a young Christian, I knew I should be r I make myself a cup of coffee and sit down in my b I had a fight at obscene-30 in the morning. Maybe I wanted Jesus to heal my uncle. I sat across from What is love? A group of adults post this questio A few years ago, I sat in our navy blue minivan wi James 1:17 tells us that, "Every good and perfect There have been times when I wasn’t sure where I I sat in the late evening sun on the front porch o Happy Book Birthday, Everyday Prayers for Love! W We are the ones who wake early to make lunches for Load More... Follow on Instagram